20 mar 2010

Are you a Nerd or what?

    Are you mysterious, a little evil devil, a quiet queen, a cool kid, or what?  Take this quiz and find out!!  It's wierdly accurate...

   Alert: If you don't even bother LOOKING at this quiz, then you are sent STRAIGHT to a nerd category. 

   1. You accidently break your sister's favorite Barbie, you...
          a. Hide the broken Barbie and never say a word about it 'till your sis finds out... oops
          b. Keep worring about it and convince yourself that your sis won't find out
          c. Laugh and write everything in your diary, but don't tell your sister
          d. Laugh like a total maniac and tell your sis it was you and beat her up

    2. It's a school day and you sleep late even though you knew your alarm clock was ringing, you...
          a. You just glide into the kitchen and eat your breakfast
          b. Have a "look" your face and try to calm down
          c. Haha, even if mom finds out, who cares!!
          d. Heeheehee, my mom'll never find out!!  Lie that your alarm clock wasn't ringing

    3. All your friends are taking ballet and jazz classes exept you, you...
          a. lie to your friends
          b. Don't say anything
          c. Try to hang on and thank your lucky stars that they are at least your best friends
          d. Say: Who cares about ballet?

    4. You meet a stranger on the street and he asks where you find Drive 64, you...
          a. Shrug your shoulders
          b. Keep your lips pursed and pray that he would not ask you again
          c. Tell him and get out of there as soon as possible
          d. Ignore him and walk away

14 feb 2010

Super Secret Test

Find out if you are meant to be a spy, a deredevil, or a safety savage.

1. If you could, would you sneak in to a...
a. wearhouse
b. chamber
c. hounted house

2. What gear would you use...
a. magnefing glass
b. fingerprint powder
c. a stinkbomb

3. What would you wear...
a. black jacket
b. black ninja suit
c. white glow in the dark swimsuit

15 ene 2010


 have you seen google vs china... i am not taking sides but they were kind of spying and someone hacked in (secretly broke in) to someones gmail acount making google act up about it. google heared that someone hacked in and they of course were scared they would loose claints so they officioly said that china was not allowedon google. some people might find it unfair because only one person did it but gooogle was definitly serious which is important at a time like this but China took it serious too. google took it really seriously so probably scared some chinese people who did not do it because TTTHHHEEEYYY lost they`re privliges. And the person who did it dragged them down.people are putting this subject on NEWS, NEWSPAPER, AND MORE.i feel sorry for both of the sides involved.only a coulple of people should be involved but google is bringing everyone down. isn`t it sad.

13 ene 2010


If you wierdos stop reading this for a bit you could see that we have a contest isn`t that cool i really think you should do it spy secrets are sooo cool and you would enjoy it so much i cant wait till you do it.

any be on guard strange people are in this world.

fake spy?

look... i have been doing reaserch and people are reading this cause they know that they`re enimie is reading this if you know about this report in comments NNNNOOOOWWWW!!!!

anyway guess what. we need some help our enimie read this we need you to tell as many people as you can but be careful some fake spys might try to trick you. The person must tell how many people he or she told the person who told the most will get a spy secret you must say how many people you told and your name. keep cheeking to see who won. Contest to 2011.  So start telling and subscribing people GO GO GO.

12 ene 2010

Cool U.S.A

You know how cool it is to go to the u.s.! but do you know how cool it is to go on a train? its not at all.well at least we have the computer anyway it would be fun to like spy on some one because you can hear 3 rows back.

9 ene 2010


every one who reades this loves it alot.tell your friends. you want to read this. you are getting hipnotised. READ IT NOW GO GO GO.

8 ene 2010

More detailed TIPS


1. Spying is easier at night because you can sneak around like us.
2. You have to be quiet or else they'll hear you.
3. Sneaking around might be a bit hard for you. So, it's easier to walk back and forth in front of the person so they don't notice to get clues.
4. Don't hold your breath when you're sneaking, because when you have to take a breath it will sound like this "hhhhuuuuuuhhhhhhheeeeeeeeee"